2014 Play Selection: “The Secretaries” – 7th Annual Benefit for Women’s Health Services

Something's rotten in Big Bone! Pretty Patty Johnson is thrilled to join the secretarial pool at the Cooney Lumber Mill under the iron-fisted leadership of sultry office manager Susan Curtis. But she soon begins to feel that all is not right—the enforced diet of Slim-Fast shakes, the strange clicking language between the girls, the monthly disappearance of a lumberjack. By the time Patty discovers murder is part of these office killers' skill set, it's too late to turn back! In the guise of satiric exploitation-horror, The Secretaries takes an unflinching look at the warping cultural expectations of femininity.

Friday October 17th at 8pm & Saturday October 18th at 3pm

Tickets: General $40 VIP $75*
*VIP ticket also gets you into the VIP receptions following each performance.

Silent Auction Friday October 17th 4-7pm